About Indigenous Reads Rising
We created Indigenous Reads Rising to fill a need—to provide a resource where teachers, librarians, and readers can embrace the diversity of Indigenous children’s and teen literature. This site includes articles about best practices, book lists arranged by age category and topic, and additional resources for educators, librarians, booksellers, families, and writers alike. Indigenous Reads Rising is managed by the nonprofit We Need Diverse Books.

About We Need Diverse Books
Founded by marginalized creators, We Need Diverse Books is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that strives to diversify the publishing industry and to make our bookshelves more equitable—all to promote literacy, build empathy, and reduce bias. WNDB’s programming supports diverse writers and illustrators, provides resources to educators and publishing professionals, and donates thousands of books to schools and libraries nationwide.
Book Highlights
Featured Resources
Our resources help educators introduce more Native books into their classrooms and libraries and offer information on how to share these stories with care and respect.

History of Native Books for Young Readers
Learn about the historical landscape of Native children’s literature in the United States and Canada.

Best Practices
Developed by Native teachers and librarians, our Best Practices offer information on how to integrate Native books into your curricula and collections, and how to utilize these titles with respect and sensitivity.

Other Resources
Want to keep reading? We’ve collected additional information about land acknowledgements, tribal resources by state, and more.