Sixteen-year-old Josh’s life on the reservation is steeped in Cree culture. He’s proud of his participation in powwows, and he has deep respect for his elders. But Josh is also faced with poverty and the looming presence of a gang called the Warriors. Josh’s dad was the leader of the Warriors until he was sent to prison, and his older brother inherited their father’s position. So, when Josh drops out of high school, his mother urges him to graduate and not join the Warriors. But then his older brother is killed by a rival gang, and Josh is on the verge of becoming a full-fledged member. Can his family and community intervene before Josh follows the notorious legacy of his father and brother?
Notable Achievements
Nominated, First Nations Communities Read Award, YA/Adult Category, 2023
Kirkus Reviews: “A novel for reluctant readers about gang violence set on a First Nations reserve in Canada.”
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Educator Guide
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