Book cover of Indian Shoes

Indian Shoes



Publisher & Publication Year

Heartdrum, 2021

Publisher's Book Page


Cynthia Leitich Smith (Muscogee Nation)

Author's Website 


MaryBeth Timothy (Cherokee)



What do Indian shoes look like, anyway? Like beautiful beaded moccasins… or hightops with bright orange shoelaces? Ray Halfmoon prefers hightops, but he gladly trades them for a nice pair of moccasins for his grampa. After all, it’s Grampa Halfmoon who’s always there to help Ray get in and out of scrapes—like the time they teamed up to pet sit for the whole block during a holiday blizzard!

Notable Achievements

AudioFile Earphones Award; American Indians in Children’s Literature (AICL) Best Books of 2021; NCSS Notable Trade Book in the Field of Social Studies; Native Ways of Knowing Book List; Finalist, Texas Institute of Letters; CCBC Choice; 2021 Recommended Title, NEA Rally to Read; NCSA Children’s Crown Award List; NEA Native American Book List; Featured Title, Texas Book Festival


Kirkus Reviews: "A very pleasing first-chapter book from its funny and tender opening salvo to its heartwarming closer."

Educator Guide

This guide, written by Lakota writer and educator Andrea Page, includes discussion questions and curriculum connections.

Link to Guide

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