Book cover of It's Powwow Time!

It’s Powwow Time!



Publisher & Publication Year

Greenwillow, 2024

Publisher's Book Page


Martha Troian (Lac Seul First Nation/Wabauskang First Nation)

Author's Website 


Hawlii Pichette (Mushkego Cree)



Bineshii is looking forward to his first powwow. He wakes up and travels with his mother to the community event. He eats bannock and drinks strawberry juice as he watches the dancers perform. And ever so slowly, Bineshii works his way from the edge of the circle watching the dancers to inside the circle itself, dancing and celebrating with everyone else.

Notable Achievements


Kirkus: "As readers flip through the pages, excitement grows. Pichette’s rich illustrations are vibrant and dynamic with a unique shading technique that conveys action and elicits joy... A tale of celebration crafted with lyrical language and rhythmic refrains."

School Library Journal: "Glorious illustrations and the constant refrain of chants and noises draw readers into Bineshii’s powwow through sound, sight, and movement. Strong first buy and a good addition to story time materials."

Educator Guide

Link to Guide

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