When a little girl dreams about a bear, her grandfather explains how people connect with the knowledge of our ancestors through our dreams. Bear, Hawk, Caribou, and Wolf all have teachings to share to help the girl, and all of us, live a good life. But when her grandfather gets sick and falls into a coma, she must lean on his teachings as she learns to say goodbye.
Notable Achievements
Short-listed, Rocky Mountain Book Award 2022; Long-listed, First Nations Communities READ 2022; Short-listed, Indigenous Voices Awards, Published Graphic Novels, Comics, and Illustrated Books 2022; Short-listed, Manuela Dias Book Design and Illustration Awards, Children’s Illustration 2022; Short-listed, Sheila Barry Best Canadian Picturebook of the Year 2022; Co-winner of the First Nation Communities READ PMC Indigenous Literature Award, Children’s Category 2022
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Educator Guide
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