Book cover of Bedtime in Nunatsiavut

Bedtime in Nunatsiavut



Publisher & Publication Year

Arsenal Pulp Press, 2022

Publisher's Book Page


Raeann Brown (Nunatisiavut Inuk)

Author's Website 


Raeann Brown (Nunatisiavut Inuk)



This book tells the story of a little girl named Nya, who yearns to fly, swim, and wander like the goose, salmon, bear, fox, and other animals that populate her world. Each night, her loving Ananak (mother) tucks her into bed and gives her a kunik (nose-to-nose rub) to help Nya dream and transform into the animals she longs to be like. In her dreams, Nya moves with the wonder and the freedom of the natural world. Empowered and emboldened by her Ananak’s constant love, she dances beneath the dark Nunatsiavut skies.

Notable Achievements

Short-listed, Indigenous Voices Award 2023


Educator Guide

Link to Guide

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