Book cover of Classified: the Secret Career of Mary Golda Ross, Cherokee Aerospace Engineer

Classified: the Secret Career of Mary Golda Ross, Cherokee Aerospace Engineer



Publisher & Publication Year

Lerner, 2021

Publisher's Book Page


Traci Sorell (Cherokee Nation)

Author's Website 


Natasha Donovan (Métis)



Mary Golda Ross designed classified airplanes and spacecraft as Lockheed Aircraft Corporation’s first female engineer. This book traces her journey from being the only girl in a high school math class to becoming a teacher to pursuing an engineering degree, joining the top-secret Skunk Works division of Lockheed, and acting as a mentor for Native Americans and young women interested in engineering. The narrative highlights Cherokee values, including education, working cooperatively, remaining humble, and helping ensure equal opportunity and education for all. Readers are shown how these values, alongside her passion for math, shaped Ross’s life and work.

Notable Achievements

2022 Booklist Editor’s Choice


Kirkus Reviews: "A stellar addition to the genre that will launch careers and inspire for generations, it deserves space alongside stories of other world leaders and innovators."

Educator Guide

This guide, created by the author and various educators, includes aerospace lesson plans designed to complement the text, Cherokee language lessons, and a list of Ross’s Cherokee values with their English translations.

Link to Guide

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