Book cover of Jingle Dancer

Jingle Dancer



Publisher & Publication Year

Heartdrum, 2021

Publisher's Book Page


Cynthia Leitich Smith (Muscogee Nation)

Author's Website 


Ying Hwa Hu and Cornelius Van Wright



Jenna, a contemporary Native American girl, loves the tradition of jingle dancing that has been shared over generations in her family and intertribal community. She hopes to dance at the next powwow. But with the day quickly approaching, she has a problem—how will her dress sing if it has no jingles? Turning to her aunties for help, Jenna learns to make her dress jingle through the support of her family and community.

Notable Achievements

Notable Children's Trade Book in the Field of Social Studies (NCSS/CBC)


Kirkus Reviews: "The watercolor illustrations clearly and realistically depict what is happening in the story... A useful portrayal of an important cultural event in a Creek girl's year."

Educator Guide

This guide, written by Lakota writer and educator Andrea Page, includes discussion questions, curriculum connections, and information about the author and illustrator.

Link to Guide

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