Book cover of Living Ghosts and Mischievous Monsters: Chilling American Indian Stories

Living Ghosts and Mischievous Monsters: Chilling American Indian Stories



Publisher & Publication Year

Scholastic, 2021

Publisher's Book Page


Dan Sasuweh Jones (Ponca Tribe)

Author's Website 


Weshoyot Alvitre (Tongva/Scots-Gaelic)



Dark figures in the night, cries on the wind, monsters watching from the edge of the wood… While some of these creatures are simply mischievous, many of them are the stuff of nightmares. From timeless tales to sightings that could have happened yesterday, prepare for terrifying accounts of restless spirits, walking dolls, and the wendigo, shape-shifters, and hungry skeletons. Ghost stories remain among the most treasured tales passed from generation to generation in American Indian cultures. Through time, communities have told and continue to tell stories to share origins of the world and tribal history, to carry messages and to teach, and of course to entertain.

Notable Achievements

BCCB Blue Ribbon Nonfiction Book Award; Oklahoma Book Award Winner: Young Adult; Kirkus Reviews Best Middle-Grade Anthologies of 2021; New York Public Library's Best Books for Kids List selection


Kirkus Reviews: "Valuable both for its broad range and shivery appeal."

Educator Guide

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