Book cover of Putuguq and Kublu: Attack of the Amautalik

Putuguq and Kublu: Attack of the Amautalik



Publisher & Publication Year

Inhabit Media, 2022

Publisher's Book Page


Roselynn Akulukjuk (Inuk) and Danny Christopher

Author's Website 


Astrid Arijanto



In each of their adventures, Putuguq and Kublu learn about an element of Inuit mythology from their Elders, sometimes using what they learn to get the best of each other! This time, Putuguq and Kublu are at their grandparents’ house for lunch—caribou stew, Putuguq’s favourite! Putuguq’s worn out (and stinky!) kamiik remind his grandparents of the story of the amautalik and the orphan, a traditional story about a little child who outsmarts an ogress. Grandmother’s storytelling starts Putuguq’s imagination running wild, and after lunch, he and Kublu decide to act out the story they’ve just heard. But, for Putuguq, this is no ordinary play. He is determined to prove his fearlessness to an unsuspecting Kublu… with a little help from his stinky socks!

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Educator Guide

This guide, created by Inhabit Media, includes pre-reading discussion questions and activities, during and post-reading discussion questions, and extension activities.

Link to Guide

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