Book cover of The Birchbark House

The Birchbark House


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Louise Erdrich (Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians)

Author's Website 


Louise Erdrich (Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians)



She was named Omakayas, or Little Frog, because her first step was a hop. Omakayas and her family live on an island in Lake Superior. Though there are growing numbers of white people encroaching on their land, life continues much as it always has. But the satisfying rhythms of their life are shattered when a visitor comes to their lodge one winter night, bringing with him an invisible enemy that will change things forever—but that will eventually lead Omakayas to discover her calling.

Notable Achievements


Kirkus Reviews: “A novel that is by turns charming, suspenseful, and funny, and always bursting with life.”

Educator Guide

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