Book cover of Thunderous




Publisher & Publication Year

Dynamite Entertainment, 2022

Publisher's Book Page


M.L. Smoker (Assiniboine and Sioux/Fort Peck) and Natalie Peeterse

Author's Website 


Dale Ray DeForest (Navajo)



If Aiyana hears one more traditional Lakota story, she’ll scream. More interested in her social media presence than her Native American heritage, Aiyana is shocked when she suddenly finds herself in a magical world—with no cell coverage. Pursued by the trickster Raven, Aiyana struggles to get back home, and is helped by friends and allies she meets along the way. Her dangerous journey through the Spirit World tests her inner strength—and challenges her to embrace her Lakota heritage. But will it be enough to defeat the cruel and powerful Raven?

Notable Achievements

Winner of the 2023 High Plains Book Award for Children’s Middle Grade


Educator Guide

This guide includes key themes, a day-by-day lesson plan, extension activities, and a list of further resources.

Link to Guide

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