Book cover of Together We Drum, Our Hearts Beat As One

Together We Drum, Our Hearts Beat As One



Publisher & Publication Year

Arsenal Pulp Press, 2022

Publisher's Book Page


Willie Poll (Métis)

Author's Website 


Chief Lady Bird (Rama First Nation)



In this book, a determined young Anishnaabe girl in search of adventure goes on a transformative journey into a forest on her traditional territory. She is joined by a chorus of her ancestors in red dresses, who tell her they remember what it was like to be carefree and wild, too. Soon, though, the girl is challenged by a monster named Hate, who envelops her in a cloud of darkness. She climbs a mountain to evade the monster, and, with the help of her matriarchs and the power of Thunderbird, the monster is held at bay. Together the young girl and her ancestors beat their drums in song and support, giving the girl the confidence she needs to become a changemaker in the future, capable of fending off any monster in her way.

Notable Achievements

Short-listed, Indigenous Voices Award 2023


Educator Guide

Link to Guide

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