Book cover of Wheetago War: Roth

Wheetago War: Roth



Publisher & Publication Year

Renegade Arts Entertainment, 2024

Publisher's Book Page


Richard Van Camp (Tlicho Dene)

Author's Website 


Christopher Shy



They were meant to stay undisturbed, their dismembered limbs scattered, frozen under the permafrost, but as is always the way, the greed of industry has unburied them once more. Now, the most feared, the Wheetago, have returned, using their powers to call back the Na acho, cannibalistic giants once banished by Dene deities.

The revered hero known as the Child Finder who is fighting to cling to his humanity after a Wheetago attack, a mother, her young son, and a desperate band of convicts, form an uneasy alliance to survive the Wheetago horrors now awakened.

Notable Achievements


Educator Guide

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