Book cover of Forever Cousins

Forever Cousins



Publisher & Publication Year

Charlesbridge, 2022

Publisher's Book Page


Laurel Goodluck (Mandan, Hidatsa, and Tsimshian Nations)

Author's Website 


Jonathan Nelson (Navajo)



Kara and Amanda are best-friend cousins. Then Kara leaves the city to move back to the Rez. Will their friendship stay the same? Kara and Amanda hate not being together, and when it’s time for the family reunion on the Rez, each girl worries that the other hasn’t missed her. But once they reconnect, they realize that they are still forever cousins.

Notable Achievements

Charlotte Huck Award Honor Book, 2023


Kirkus Reviews: "Children facing separations of their own will find this reassuring. A sweet story of friendship, family, and community."

Educator Guide

This guide, created by Charlesbridge, includes discussion questions, activities, a list of books for paired reading, and additional resources.

Link to Guide

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